For each pound of fruit, use 1 cup sugar and 1 Tbsp lemon juice.
I used two lbs of peaches which filled two pint jars.
For peaches, remove skin. Whether you blanch and peel or just peel, it mattereth not. Once peaches are peeled, chop into small pieces. I use my $3 chopper I got at Wal Mart. Any kind of food processor would do as does the good old fashion knife and cutting board. Before you start, put a glass plate in the freezer for later.
Once peaches are cut, put into a sauce pan, add sugar and lemon juice, stir and bring to a boil. Let it continue to boil until it thickens.
As it boils, foam will begin to appear. Spoon off and discard. Stir constantly to keep from burning on the bottom. Once foam has mostly stopped forming and the consistancy is starting to look like jam, pull out the glass plate and put a dab of jam on it. Tip the plate and watch how fast it runs. If it runs quickly, it needs to cook longer. It should slide down somewhat slowly.
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